Thursday, November 13, 2014

flash fiction

An exercise in imposing the spatial limitations of Clutch to text, where each square inch of the mobile gallery is represented by a single word.

Ciar O’Mahoney

Humanity is a liquid,
Pouring itself where ever it pleases
And leaking away in swarms,
When the cracked concrete forms it nurtures,
Become a static obstruction


Time screams in the garden
as it passes through
Screams for taller trees, greener grass, more vibrant flowers
To remind me, I am a moment


Take boundless steps through the curtains of leaves
Which dangle from overhead branches
Leaves that are fat and shiny
That smack you as you run


Examine simple things,
Attempt to crush apples with your bare hands,
Rub your shoulders agains damp earth
Allow skin to map the texture of everything


All I want is to ask you questions
So that you will keep talking to me
Because I don't make statements, I just make art


Jillian Santora

the path carved through red rocks
time a pinprick white hot salve
forty dry cracked steps to a desert steeple
intuitively reaching for open sky


salt water basin on a global scale
a repetitive home that i dig my toes into
millennia of crushed limestone maps
are ground ever finer


points A and B stand next to each other
it’s the shortest distance or the longest distance between anyone
depending on which direction they face


belly shirts
late summer afternoons
and lemonade
palettes of pink
your house or mine?
no one’s home
amy has the car
don’t worry, i’ll walk


city tempo
dictates the need for clicky boots on concrete
to pierce through nonstop trains of thought
and high rise anxiousness
quelled by taking strides

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